Sunday, January 12, 2014

Persist-We cannot fail!

Lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure.  When effort is put forth we will learn to persist.  Mr. Hill says there are four principles we need to remember to develop persistence; They are:
 1.  A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment
 2.  A definite plan expressed in continuous action
 3. A mind closed to all negative and discouraging influences.
 4. A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage me to follow through with      
     both plan and purpose.

Mr. Hill says that will power and desire are an irresistible pair. When we combine will power with persistence and it is backed by desire we will achieve our goals.  If we have an intense desire we can overcome the lack of persistence easily.  This is when we must surround ourselves with a mastermind group of cooperative and encouraging people.  We  must also develop the habit of saying an autosuggestion. Positive autosuggestion will counteract all the negative resistance that comes our way. To help ourselves to not think negative thoughts we can say a positive affirmation such as "I am prosperous, I am healthy, I am sincere, I am creative, I am kind, I am loving, I am in abundance, I am receptive."  This will help to educate our sub-conscious mind to give us positive feedback.Taking action is another way to overcome a lack of persistence. Action will enable the full force of our creative spirit to act as one with the mastermind group.  

When we  have a burning desire, we have to make plans and believe those plans will work.
We take action on our plans.  Sometimes there is a hidden guide that tests us with all sorts of discouraging experiences.  This is when we make sure we have a definite purpose to our plans.  If they are well organized and they fail we do not accept defeat.  We analyze what went wrong and try again;this time using what we have learned to move on. We use our mastermind group to help keep in mind cooperation and encouragement at all times.  This is persistence..

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