Sunday, December 29, 2013

Decision Making: What is Involved?

What is involved in making a decision?  Napolean Hill says "A decision must be definite to be effective.  To be powerful it must involve desire, faith, persistence, a mastermind group, and organized planning."

When we make a definite decision it is better to tell only those people we trust and have our interests in mind.  This would be our mastermind group.  A mastermind is a group of people that you have chosen  with various talents, interests, and expertise.   They work together in harmony and agreement. They have trust in each other to make the best decisions for the benefit of all.  They listen to  one another and the decision that is made is definite, powerful and effective. When a mastermind group has all of the attributes named above they can make definite decisions to organize a plan.

One attribute that wasn't mentioned above is once all the facts of a plan are analyzed the decision must not only be definite but it must be prompt.  Too much analyzation leads to procrastination.  This is the enemy of making decisions.  Many people have failed in their careers because of this enemy of decision.  Making a decision involves courage. Many times it involves daring to be different!
People who have been successful have made decisions promptly and have changed their decisions slowly.  Mr. Henry Ford,  the maker of the Ford automobile, was one to make decisions promptly and change them so slowly that he became known to be stubborn by his colleagues.

 We must keep in mind when we make decisions we must be definite to be effective.  Decisions involve our desire. We must have faith that it will help us toward accomplishing our desire. We go to the mastermind group to help us make an effective decision. By being persistent and working in harmony the mastermind group will help to make a definite, effective, and powerful decision.
Click on the link below for more information:Click Here:

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