Sunday, December 29, 2013

Questions can change our lives

When we meet someone we haven't known  before how do we get acquainted?  The best way is to first give them a great big smile and then to ask,"My name is Patty, what is your name?"  Depending on where you are you would ask about their profession, what are their interests and what activities do they participate in.  Sometimes we need to ask questions of ourselves to help ourselves to keep focused.  Some questions like the following will help us get started.

       What's great about this day?
       Why am I pursuing this profession?
        Do I have freedom to pursue my  dreams?
        Am I happy in my chosen profession?

Leo Busgaglia was taught at a very young age to ask questions.  One question that his father asked him every single day was,"Leo, what did you learn today?"  If Leo couldn't think of anything he would go to an encyclopedia to study something he could share. Even in his adult life before he goes to bed at night he asks himself ,"What have I learned that is of value, today?"

We learn from questions.  An answer we find from a question we have just might change our life.  We might decide to pursue a different profession.  We might realize we have many things in common with a new friend.  By asking questions we can change our perspective about how we think about happenings in our life.  Questions make us think. Find out how:Click Here

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