Sunday, January 12, 2014

Persist-We cannot fail!

Lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure.  When effort is put forth we will learn to persist.  Mr. Hill says there are four principles we need to remember to develop persistence; They are:
 1.  A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment
 2.  A definite plan expressed in continuous action
 3. A mind closed to all negative and discouraging influences.
 4. A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage me to follow through with      
     both plan and purpose.

Mr. Hill says that will power and desire are an irresistible pair. When we combine will power with persistence and it is backed by desire we will achieve our goals.  If we have an intense desire we can overcome the lack of persistence easily.  This is when we must surround ourselves with a mastermind group of cooperative and encouraging people.  We  must also develop the habit of saying an autosuggestion. Positive autosuggestion will counteract all the negative resistance that comes our way. To help ourselves to not think negative thoughts we can say a positive affirmation such as "I am prosperous, I am healthy, I am sincere, I am creative, I am kind, I am loving, I am in abundance, I am receptive."  This will help to educate our sub-conscious mind to give us positive feedback.Taking action is another way to overcome a lack of persistence. Action will enable the full force of our creative spirit to act as one with the mastermind group.  

When we  have a burning desire, we have to make plans and believe those plans will work.
We take action on our plans.  Sometimes there is a hidden guide that tests us with all sorts of discouraging experiences.  This is when we make sure we have a definite purpose to our plans.  If they are well organized and they fail we do not accept defeat.  We analyze what went wrong and try again;this time using what we have learned to move on. We use our mastermind group to help keep in mind cooperation and encouragement at all times.  This is persistence..

Click Here:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Are you facing Frustration in getting MLM Leads?

Could this be you?
 When you are in an MLM business you need leads .  Leads that create action .
                       How does that come about.

First thing to consider is training. Most MLM programs have online training, videos  and audios. The best training is live training on  telephone conference calls where you can role play.  You can get acquainted with a prospect  and decide whether this person is someone you want to work with.  Videos and audios show you the techniques of what to say and how to say it.

Target marketing is another way to get  MLM leads. Questions that need to be asked are:
    1.        Who would be interested in your product ? Men or Women? Young or Old?
    2.         Maybe nutrition experts!!    
    3.         Are you marketing a service?
Find a partner to work with! Mentor one another when you write to or call a lead.
When you connect with a wannabe, prospect. or  lead LISTEN to him.  Why does he want to
be in a MLM business?  What are his dreams?  What would he do if money and time were not an
obstacle? Develop a relationship so he or she will know, like and trust you.

      The preceding paragraphs have given some ideas on avoiding frustration in finding leads and keeping them. Now I invite you to get a more complete presentation of how to avoid frustration concerning leads. The ebook "Success in 10 Steps," by Michael Dlouhy will help. Click Here:

                                          Learn HOW to THINK not WHAT to THINK

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Decision Making: What is Involved?

What is involved in making a decision?  Napolean Hill says "A decision must be definite to be effective.  To be powerful it must involve desire, faith, persistence, a mastermind group, and organized planning."

When we make a definite decision it is better to tell only those people we trust and have our interests in mind.  This would be our mastermind group.  A mastermind is a group of people that you have chosen  with various talents, interests, and expertise.   They work together in harmony and agreement. They have trust in each other to make the best decisions for the benefit of all.  They listen to  one another and the decision that is made is definite, powerful and effective. When a mastermind group has all of the attributes named above they can make definite decisions to organize a plan.

One attribute that wasn't mentioned above is once all the facts of a plan are analyzed the decision must not only be definite but it must be prompt.  Too much analyzation leads to procrastination.  This is the enemy of making decisions.  Many people have failed in their careers because of this enemy of decision.  Making a decision involves courage. Many times it involves daring to be different!
People who have been successful have made decisions promptly and have changed their decisions slowly.  Mr. Henry Ford,  the maker of the Ford automobile, was one to make decisions promptly and change them so slowly that he became known to be stubborn by his colleagues.

 We must keep in mind when we make decisions we must be definite to be effective.  Decisions involve our desire. We must have faith that it will help us toward accomplishing our desire. We go to the mastermind group to help us make an effective decision. By being persistent and working in harmony the mastermind group will help to make a definite, effective, and powerful decision.
Click on the link below for more information:Click Here:

Questions can change our lives

When we meet someone we haven't known  before how do we get acquainted?  The best way is to first give them a great big smile and then to ask,"My name is Patty, what is your name?"  Depending on where you are you would ask about their profession, what are their interests and what activities do they participate in.  Sometimes we need to ask questions of ourselves to help ourselves to keep focused.  Some questions like the following will help us get started.

       What's great about this day?
       Why am I pursuing this profession?
        Do I have freedom to pursue my  dreams?
        Am I happy in my chosen profession?

Leo Busgaglia was taught at a very young age to ask questions.  One question that his father asked him every single day was,"Leo, what did you learn today?"  If Leo couldn't think of anything he would go to an encyclopedia to study something he could share. Even in his adult life before he goes to bed at night he asks himself ,"What have I learned that is of value, today?"

We learn from questions.  An answer we find from a question we have just might change our life.  We might decide to pursue a different profession.  We might realize we have many things in common with a new friend.  By asking questions we can change our perspective about how we think about happenings in our life.  Questions make us think. Find out how:Click Here

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Definite purpose + Definite aim= FAITH

"In the Bible it says in Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen."
 We must believe and have Faith that any ideas we have that have been combined with a little imagination, vibration of thought, and desire will be a success.  We must have an open mind to any suggestions that will make the idea better.

Faith is a substance.  The dictionary states that substance is what a thing consists of such as matter or material.and it develops the quality or qualities that make a thing what it is.So faith is a substance and we can prove things by it because faith is the evidence of things not seen.We should not confuse faith with hoping, dreaming, or trying.  Faith is a very real thing and the evidence of it must be evidenced in our lives. To be evidenced in our lives we must have a definite purpose and a definite aim.
   By really knowing what this purpose is and knowing that we have the ability to achieve this purpose, we develop self-confidence and Faith.
  Napolean Hill tells about a self-confidence formula and I quote part of it:
"I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon
truth and justice, therefore, I will engage  in no transaction which does not benefit all whom
it affects.  I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of
other people.  I will induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others.  I will eliminate hatred, envy, jeaqlousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success.
 I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself.

To find out how this can be used in business,Click Here:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

People Who Know people Are the Luckiest People in the World

The more people we know the luckier we will be.       When we have many friends and acquaintances ,opportunities come our way.  The more friends you have that know other friends, the better chance you have in being in the path when good things happen.

to have real happiness, fortune and fulfillment in life, it is wise to interact and create relationships with people.  When you study people and understand them opportunities will come your way.  It is the natural thing to want to learn to know people.  Not only do you need to know people, but you need to learn to care about them also.  Truly caring about others breaks down barriers. as Zig Ziglar said, "You can have everything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Michael  Dloughy says," Trust is the emotion of network marketing.  You have to earn it.  It comes from consistently doing what's best for your people. "Heart" decisions run deeper & last longer than "head" decisions.  Direct marketing relationships based on money & product disappear when a competitor upgrades product or lowers price.  But network marketing habits based on higher motivations & emotional connections are hard to break. "

When catastrophe happens, where does help come from?  Most often, people.  If you know many people who feel a kinship and loyalty to you,you will get the help you need to start anew.  Heart decisions run deeper and last longer than head decisions.  If you want to inspire people to learn, grow, develop, succeed, and be all they can be, we can help. ClickHere: